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Sandra, Jessica and Annabell – we are three friends taking part in an English advanced course of our school together. Last June the advanced courses of the 11th grade travelled together to Dublin in Ireland.


Village girls in an international city – a funny experience!

We visited many sights and we had enough time to follow our own interests there, too. We had a lot of fun! Because of that we had no problem to do something for the task we got. We should use the free time to create a project according to our journey.

We three girls decided to do something which isn´t boring to us – we wanted to do something we can identify with.

And this is the result: We designed a website where we could write about different things we experienced, found and visited. This website is from tourists for tourists because here other travellers can get some ideas and recommendations of places which are worth visiting.

Have fun on our page! We hope you like it and get interested of special locations in Dublin and its surroundings!

Contact us!

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“Travel improves the mind wonderfully, and does away with all one’s prejudices.” - Oscar Wilde

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